Customs And Tradisions of Thailand

saluto thailandese
When you arrive in a new country, we must not take for granted that our customs and our traditions are compatible with the culture of the place. Act, voluntarily or unknowingly, in a manner opposite to the habit of Thais can help you regain in situations of embarrassment, or even dangerous.
Thailand today is the result of centuries of history, cultures and traditions, and it is not so obvious to find in holiday resorts and tourist cities of customs and costumes similar to those in the West to which we are accustomed.

Before leaving for Thailand would be better to be well informed on the habits of Thai, on the uses and customs of the people, the traditions of the various cities and regions of the country. In this way you do not live in a manner deemed rude or, at worst, aggressive, perhaps without meaning to. Here's everything you need to know about the uses and customs of Thais in various spheres of social life and everyday.

Express their emotions in public situations
In Italy we are used to warm and events many "physical" both by relatives and friends, who by unknown persons. This being so sociable and expansive made us famous in the world. In Thailand, on the contrary, the manifestations of their emotions in public situations are extremely rare. The Thai people are very friendly, sociable and friendly but they are very restrained in the manifestations of their emotions, especially anger and rage. To the Thai people make a scene in public and fighting is useless and leads only to create more misunderstandings, and should be avoided with all your strength situations where you have to raise your voice or threaten someone else. Similarly, the Thais are not accustomed to the demonstrations of love and affection in public. The Thais do not ever kiss in public (let alone what they think of the tourists who indulge in "effusions" more brazen in public!). Both the low-cut dresses skirts that are deemed inappropriate or provocative and cheeky. Knowing these characteristics of the local people, you can avoid finding yourself in embarrassing situations for you and the Thais will encounter on your way.
Behavior considered rude or offensive
The Thais do not greet us as Italian, clutching the hand of the person that you meet, but with a "wai". The "wai" is a special greeting, made clasping her hands palm to palm just like we do when we pray. Western culture is, however, becoming increasingly popular and the Thai people is particularly famous for its tolerance polite and respectful towards tourists, even those rude. One mistake you can make, but do not abuse the kindness and patience of the Thai people! One thing you MUST know before you arrive in Thailand is that the feet, especially the soles of the feet, are considered a part of the body disgusting and repulsive. For this reason there are several taboos in Thai culture on both feet on the shoes. One of these is the prohibition on point your feet at anyone, because this is considered a very rude gesture. The same applies to those who point their feet towards a Buddha statue, action seen as a real insult to the deity.

Rude behavior punished by law
The Thais are extremely respectful of the nation and its symbols. Offenses Against the flag, religion and monarchy behaviors are not only deplorable but considered as a criminal offense punishable by law. These offenses apply to both Thais and foreigners, including tourists. The penalties are severe enough so be careful how you behave! For example, when you listen to the national anthem must be silent, and still standing. When you are in public, avoid political speeches, especially those that have as subject the monarchy and royal family members. The royal family is revered by the Thai people and an insult to the monarchy may even be punished by arrest or extradition.
The religious customs in Thailand
Although, in general, recognize the Thais and Westerners tolerate the lack of respect that they perpetuate inadvertent during their stay in the country (often without realizing it) it is best to avoid getting into embarrassing situations. When, for example, visit the temples in Thailand, remember that it is sacred. Do not wear clothes that are too skimpy, provocative, short or low-cut is the same rule that visitors to our churches, whether Catholic or not, should be respected in Italy. No Bermuda shorts, tank tops, shorts, t-shirts. In addition, it is an obligation to take off their shoes before entering areas and consecrated in temples. In Thailand, all the icons that depict the Buddha are considered sacred just like the temples: they are statues, photographs, jewelery, sculptures and so on, these are the sacred objects for the Thais and must be respected. For example, the icons should never be positioned on the ground or, in any case, below the height of the torso of a person. Buddhist monks, dressed in orange recognizable because they are of particular figures, respected by the population. In the past, women were not allowed to talk with the monks and, likewise, they are forbidden to put the rice in the bowl that the monks carry in hands. Although, gradually, things are changing in Thailand, it is good to respect the figure of monaco and avoid bothering.
Remember that these rules of conduct are valid especially in smaller towns, less developed and little to do, and in the villages of the country, where Western traditions are still poorly understood and seen a few tourists.

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